Clinical Negligence

A poor response to the East Kent medical negligence claims

But don’t be deterred. Giving birth always carries a risk.

Helping families find explanations for medical malpractice

Our experience in dealing with families that allege that they

Laparoscopic Surgery “A Risky Business”

by Howard Nulty There cannot be many people who have

Why claiming against clinical negligence is so important

Unsure where to start when claiming against clinical negligence, or

How can I make a medical negligence claim?

Suffered at the hands of a medical professional? Received inadequate

Professional and Clinical Negligence

Have you been let down by a professional, or received

Clinical Negligence and Inquests

By Howard Nulty I have now been to two inquests

Clinical Negligence – Know your options

Did your consultant tell you about all of the alternative

Medical Procedures and Informed Consent

Not always as straightforward as it seems One of the

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